Ziros - Skalia - Zakros


Trail Ziros - Skalia - Zakros
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.00 (5 Votes)

From Ziros, the E4 European trail heads northeastwards and soon enters a network of dirt roads that lead to the ruined historic settlement Skalia. Skalia was fortified and its residents were slaughtered by the Turks.

From Skalia, we walk north- and eastwards, we pass a small plateau and then descend to Ano Zakros springs, next to the old water mills.

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Additional Info

Length (km): 10
Type: E4 trail
Location: Lassithi Prefecture
Difficulty (0-10): 1
Hiking Hours: 3:00
Accessibility: Walking

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