Hiking in Crete



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Agriomandra Gorge
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.27 (11 Votes)

Agriomandra gorge is a very short gorge with the small wonderful beach of Agriomandra formed at its exit. To find that you should follow the dirt road that crosses the green meadows west of Kavoussi, known as Lakos Ambelion position, till the entrance to the gorge.

From here starts a short path, not particularly difficult, leading after 10 minutes to the beach Agriomandra. Just before you reach the beach you will see several small caves in the rocks. One of them is built with stone and is used as a church. It was built in the Byzantine period by a hermit and was dedicated to St. John the Theologian. This is still used occasionally for baptisms. Walking a few more steps (about 650m from the parking point), you will find the beautiful pebbly beach with crystal clear green waters.

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Additional Info

Length (km): 0.5
Type: Hiking gorge
Location: Lassithi Prefecture
Water: Generally dry
Difficulty (0-10): 1
Altitude difference (m): 40
Hiking Hours: 0.2
Accessibility: Dirt track

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