Hiking in Crete



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Sfakiano Gorge
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.13 (8 Votes)

Sfakiano Gorge or Gorge Vartholoma or Gorge Lago ends about 2km east of Chora Sfakion in the province of Sfakia. It starts at position Trikoukia of the White Mountains at an altitude of 1200 meters and ends on the Fylaki Caves of the South Cretan Sea. The canyon has a length of 6.5km and walking along its riverbank is very easy. The proposed trekking route in the canyon starts from Niato Plateau (near Askifou Plateau) towards the deserted village Kali Lakki. A bit before Kali Laki the canyon starts, which is one of the greenest gorges in Crete, with incredibly interesting flora. Oaks, cypresses, and pines are the main trees in Sfakiano Gorge.

At the starting point of the gorge, there is the Byzantine church of Saint Paul (Agios Pavlos), which was built by the locals in 1407. Near the exit, at the location Porolago, the canyon meets the main road to Chora Sfakion. It is worth continuing your journey to the sea, as the gorge bed leads to the amazingly beautiful fjords of Fylaki, some of the most interesting beaches in the Sfakia area.

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Additional Info

Length (km): 6.5
Type: Hiking gorge, Signed trail
Location: Chania Prefecture
Water: Generally dry
Difficulty (0-10): 2
Altitude difference (m): 1200
Hiking Hours: 4
Accessibility: Dirt track

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