Turkish Towers


Koules of Potami
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Amari Valley is an internal passage of the prefecture of Rethymno, which is a continuation of the valley of Potami, where the most bloodthirsty Turks, called Ambadiotes, lived. This wide passage, which through small branches led to Messara plane, was soon fortified by the Turks. In the valley of Potami there were the Towers of Prases, Potami and Patsos.

Just above the reservoir of the dam PotamiPotami still dominates the ruined koules (Turkish Tower) of Potami, built in the period 1866 to 1869, after the Great Cretan Revolution in 1866. It has been declared a protected monument, because it is an important sample of castle architecture and is inextricably linked to the history and memories of the area during the Ottoman occupation of Crete in the 19th century. It had a rectangular and hosted rooms for the garrison and it's head, auxiliary rooms and a hill for installing weaponry.

hotels booking Crete


Additional Info

Location: Rethymnon Prefecture
Type: Fortress / Tower
Accessibility: Dirt track
Peak Period: Ottoman Era (1669 - 1898)

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