Turkish Towers

St Cathreen

Koules of Agia Ekaterini at Loutro
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After the Cretan Revolution of 1866, the Ottomans built more than 100 towers, called koules,  to control the rebels throughout the island. Besides the two known koules of Askyfou, a large network of communicating koules had been constructed in the present province of Sfakia in order to suppress the Sfakians

In 1868, the small Turkish tower was built above the harbour of Loutro at position Agia Ekaterini, where the church of Saint Catherine is located today, on the trail from Loutro to Anopolis. The same building was used as a school.

The koule of Agia Ekaterini appears to have played a supportive role for the large fort in Loutro, with the main purpose of timely notification in case of suspicious movements in sea.

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Additional Info

Location: Chania Prefecture
Type: Fortress / Tower
Accessibility: Paved road
Peak Period: Ottoman Era (1669 - 1898)

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