Nature & Science


The ecological and environmental significance of Crete is the main subject for many organizations of the island. Every year, many clubs and associations organize actions related to environmental protection and public awareness. Protection of sea turtles, cleaning wetlands, bird watching, releasing birds of prey, exhibitions and seminars are some of the most common activities on the island, which intend to sensitize and inform people.

The Natural History Museum of University of Crete usually implements major actions and studies on the natural history and biodiversity of the island, while offering guests a unique experience through its rich exhibition.

The aquarium "Thalassocosmos" of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research is an excellent means of acquaintance with marine life. 1.7 million liters of sea water host about 200 species of the Mediterranean, from the large shark to the small seahorses. Through constant training activities, children and adults learn about the magical underwater world. It is the largest aquarium in Greece and one of the most important in the Mediterranean.

Important efforts are also made for informing visitors about local communities. Omalos plateau hosts the Information Centre for the White Mountains National Reserve and in the Gorge of Samaria there are two exhibitions highlighting the human interaction with the local nature.

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Natural History Museum of Crete

The Natural History Museum of University of Crete demonstrates with an impressive and innovative manner the natural environment of the eastern Mediterranean with a special emphasis on Greece and Crete.

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Chania Chemistry Museum

The Chemistry Museum of Chania is a representation of the first Chemical Laboratory of Greece that was founded in Chania and is housed on the 2nd floor of General Chemical Laboratory of Chania.

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Walk with Donkeys

This place is owned by 2 fantastic donkey lovers originating from England. They are taking care for all abandoned donkeys in the whole area. You can visit them the whole year and hug with the donkeys or even take a ride on the small ones. If you would like to visit Crete and do some charity work this is a perfect chance.

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Skinakas Observatory

The Skinakas Observatory is a research facility operated jointly by the Foundation of Research and Technology - Hellas (F.O.R.T.H.), the University of Crete and the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics of Germany.

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Paleontological Museum of Rethymnon - Goulandris

The mosque of Mastabas, with the characteristic 9-dome architecture, is an authentic monument of Rethymnon and has been conceded to GNHM following a decision of the Ministry of Culture. Upon completion of restoration and of the relevant museological study, it will operate as a Museum of Palaeontology, being annex of Goulandris National History museum in Crete.

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Information Centre of Lefka Ori National Park

The exhibition of the Information Center consists of 32 posters on the National Park of the White Mountains. The topics of posters are: introduction to the Park, landscape - ecosystems, geodiversity, habitats, animal and plant diversity, and human activities.

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