The museum exhibits many objects and tools used by the older generations from the Turkish Era until ’60s. Some of these are rare folk art samples.
In Rodopos, Kissamos Province, there was a reference for a Venetian villa, called Senekjana and built in 1575. It might be the mansion that still survives in the village and operates as a Centre for Information and Study of Rodopos Cape and Kolymbari wider area.
At position Pyrgi of ancient Eleftherna town, located 24km east of Rethymnon, there are the ruins of a fortified tower. This tower was built before the Roman period so as to protect the unique entrance to the ancient town of Eleftherna.
The non-profit cultural organization “Olivepress” was created in order to save the Old Oil Factory of the Agricultural Co-operative of Zymbragou from desolation and disappearance. The goal is to house cultural events in its premises, transforming it to a place of memory and a field of action in the island’s inland terrain.
The museum of rural history and folk art is housed in the traditional settlement Arolithos since 1999. The collection includes objects of historical, folkloric and religious importance.
The historic village of Therisso was a seat of the Cretan rebels in 1905, under Eleftherios Venizelos, the most important Politician of Modern Greece. The headquarters of the Movement of 1905 house a relevant museum.
The Museum of Cretan Wild Plants - Herbarium Jacques Zaffran constitutes one of the most important projects of the Institute of Theology and Ecology at the Orthodox Academy of Crete.
The Historical Museum of Vorizia "Spilios" is located at the village Vorizia of Heraklion prefecture and hosted in a cave (spilios) above the village. The cave, until the foundation of the museum, was used for cheese production. The museum was inaugurated on August 16, 2014.