Museum of Cretan


Museum of Cretan Wild Plants at Kolimbari
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The Museum of Cretan Wild Plants - Herbarium Jacques Zaffran constitutes one of the most important projects of the Institute of Theology and Ecology at the Orthodox Academy of Crete. It houses more than 9.000 precious Cretan wild plants donated by the French Botanist Professor Jacques Zaffran in 2003. The museum was officially inaugurated during the international conference on Ecological Theology and Environmental Ethics in 2008.

Samples of important Cretan wild plants have been collected systematically since 1964 and preserved at the Cretan Herbarium under the supervision of Jacques Zaffran and his assistant, Loukas Andrianos. The museum, apart from the exhibits. houses laboratories and guestrooms for the visiting researchers.

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Additional Info

Location: Chania Prefecture
Type: Museum
Accessibility: Paved road
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 – 14:30, other days and hours after contact
Entrance Fee (€): Free
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +30 28240 22500, +30 28240 22245
Fax: +30 28240 22060

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