Religious monuments of Crete


Church of Saints Panteleimon and Demetrius in Garipas
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The church of Saints Panteleimon and Demetrius is located in the village Garipas, near Perivolia, province Kydonia. It is a two-story temple dating back to the Venetian period and has been restored. The northern aisle is dedicated to Saint Panteleimon (Agios Panteleimonas) and the south to Saint Demetrius (Agios Dimitrios). Externally, the south aisle has 3 blind arches. On the aisle of Agios Panteleimon, two layers of frescoes of high quality have been found, the oldest dating from the 15th century.

The first layer of hagiographies was spread over five zones, the lower two of which included hierarchs and saints, of which Saint Spyridon can be distinguished. The arch depicts the Divine Liturgy divided into two frames: one depicts the dead Christ framed by angels and the second depicts Christ the High Priest. Above the depiction of Deesis are depicted angels honoring the Jesus Christ.

The second layer contains frescoes and two Latin inscriptions that prove that the temple was used by the Roman Catholic doctrine and was sponsored by the Venetian family Viaro who settled in the settlement. The inscriptions mention Οmnia quae petieritis in oratione credentes accipietis (if you pray and believe, you will receive anything) and Memento non esse linguam quae precetur, sed mentem, et si mens aliud agit, nihil oras. (Remember that it is not the language that prays, but the mind, and if the mind thinks then your pray means nothing).

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Additional Info

Location: Chania Prefecture
Type: Church
Accessibility: Paved road
Peak Period: Venetian Era (1204 AD - 1669 AD)

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