The monastery of Saint George


Saint George Mormoris Monastery
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The ruined monastery of Saint George (Agios Georgios) Mormoris is located at the village Nerokourou near Chania and dates back from 1637 or earlier. The monastery, which once possessed extended land and property, is a dependency of Gouverneto monastery and has been declared a protected monument.

On the site we see the old church of Saint George, an old olive oil press, the destroyed warehouses and the monk cells.

In 1975 a large part of its property was moved under the possession of the Ministry of Agriculture and were used by the Agricultural Research Station. The temple celebrates on November 3, on the feast day of Saint George Methistis (Drunk), when traditionally the locals open the barrels with wine for first time.

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Additional Info

Location: Chania Prefecture
Type: Church
Accessibility: Paved road

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