Explore Cretan Wetlands


River Moronis
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The river Moronis or Pera collects its waters from the wider area of Souda and Chania Crafts Park and transfers them to Souda beach. Its overall length does not exceed 5km, but it is important as it flows all year round.

Its estuary forms an important wetland with brackish water, which has been greatly reduced in size by human activity covering an area of about 16 hectares. Reeds, water meadows and tamarisks are the main vegetation types.

In the past, the whole area of Souda was swampy, while its beach was known for its salt production from saltpans. Unfortunately today the river is systematically polluted, infecting the closed Gulf of Souda, despite all efforts to restore its initial state.

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Additional Info

Length (km): 5
Location: Chania Prefecture
Water: Water all year round
Accessibility: Paved road

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