Church of Panagia


Church of Panagia Perivolitsiani at Nippos
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The church of Panagia Perivolitissa or Perivolitsiani is a single-aisled temple of 1570 built on a hill north of the village Nippos, amid the fertile orchards (perivolia) of the locals. The temple is dedicated to the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (September 8) and bears frescoes in poor condition. It is believed that the place operated as a diocese seat, after the desctruction of Aptera town by an earthquake, and as a school of hagiography.

In the church there are graves of monks and priests, such as the abbot Raphael. Here was the Venetian School of the Frerides which later turned into a monastery. The school was founded by the local governor coming from Venice, Nipo, in 1550.


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Additional Info

Location: Chania Prefecture
Type: Church
Accessibility: Paved road

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