Gorges in Crete



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Koliakoudes Gorge
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.67 (3 Votes)

The small, but beautiful, Kaliakoudes Gorge is formed in the area between the villages of Paidohori, Nio Chorio and Machairi in the province of Apokoronas, Chania. It is basically a continuation of the stream of Skotini, which constitutes a tributary of the River Kiliaris. The canyon is only 1.5 km long, it has about 6 rapels and the entire length of the gorge requires the use of technical canyoning equipment (ropes). The highest of the descents is about 8 meters high.

The gorge is a true sculpture of nature, as it has very narrow passages that almost touch each other. The course within it is shady, because of the very narrow passages and the dense vegetation above the slopes.

The canyon has water till the end of spring, depending on the rainfalls, so descending its waterfalls in winter with canyoning techniques is a unique experience. At the base of the waterfalls, there are large round wells, from which water escapes, while in some places natural slides are formed.

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Additional Info

Length (km): 2
Type: Canyoneering equipment needed
Location: Chania Prefecture
Water: Water till spring
Maximum Rapel Height (m): 8

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