The two-aisled church of Saint John (Agios Ioannis) and the Virgin Mary (Panagia) at the village Mathia, province Pediada, is the result of adding a second aisle (of the Dormition) in the 19th century to the existing single-aisled church of Saint John the Baptist. The nave of Saint John bears frescoes from the 14th century with scenes from the Mariological and the Christological cycle,with Passion scenes dominating.
There are also frescoes with individual saints, such as cavalry military saints on the south wall and Saint Paraskevi. The scenes of the Second Coming with the sinners on the west wall, under the representation of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, are also interesting. On the west wall there is also a founding inscription which states that the church of "Theotokos Mathiani" was renovated by Polemarchis, his brothers Petros and Ioannis, etc.
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Additional Info
- Location: Heraklion Prefecture
- Type: Church
- Accessibility: Paved road
- Peak Period: Venetian Era (1204 AD - 1669 AD)