Agio Pnevma Monastery



Agio Pnevma Monastery at Kissos
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The Monastery of the Agio Pnevma (Holy Spirit) was probably founded in the 12th century and certainly, at the end of Venetian rule, it was already autonomous and in welfare. On June 15, 1821, the local Turks massacred the monks and burned the monastery.

The ruined monastery became a dependency of the monastery of Preveli and in 1836 it operated as a school, well known throughout Crete and Gavdos. Thousands of Cretans arrived to study from all around Crete.

Today the monastery hosts a monument in honor of the 200 volunteers of Demetrios Petropoulakis, who were killed in a battle against the Turks on December 5, 1868. The monastery has been restored and has started its reoperation.

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Additional Info

Location: Rethymnon Prefecture
Type: Monastery
Accessibility: Paved road
Phone: +30 28320 22025, +30 28320 22952
Peak Period: Venetian Era (1204 AD - 1669 AD)

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