Fall of Digenis


Rechtara Waterfall at Platanes
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On the steep south side of Mount Kedros in the Rechtres area above the village of Platanes, province Agios Vasilios is the gorge of Platanes, one of the wildest and most dangerous in Crete. It is mostly open, especially in the lower part, while its descent requires the use of canyoning equipment. The gorge has large quantities of water during most months of the year, which starts from a spring above the first high waterfall and is one of the largest springs of the Akoumianos River and Crete. From the village Platanes, an ascending path ascends 45' to the base of the highest and most imposing waterfall called Rechtara of Digenis. Rechtara in the Cretan idiom means waterfall.

The Rechtara of Digenis, named after the legendary acrite Digenis, associated with many toponyms and legends in the area of ​​Kedros, is one of the wildest and most impressive waterfalls in Crete. In its entirety, it is 70m and it actually forms two steps of about 35m each. Access without equipment is only possible on its lower step, which is the most impressive. The water that springs a few meters above is very clear and after the big waterfall, it continues its wild course downwards creating about 15 more waterfalls that are all easily accessible by walking. In the area of ​​the waterfall is the Minoan sacred cave of Digeni Spilios, where traces of worship have been found dating back from the Minoan era.

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Additional Info

Location: Rethymnon Prefecture
Water: Water till spring
Maximum Rapel Height (m): 35

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