Saint Anthony Monastery



Agios Antonios Monastery in Arvi
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Arvi monastery is built near the gorge of Arvi, in an elevated area with panoramic sea views. Today it is abandoned and only remnants of monks’cells reveal its past.

The monastery is believed that was initially built on the ruins of the ancient Temple of Arvian Zeus in the Valley shaped at the exit of Arvi gorge. However, it was later moved to its current elevated position because of the marshes shaped in the valley.

In the monastery there are two churches, one very old and one quite new, dedicated to Saint Anthony.


  • 1880: The monk Artemios founds the monastery of Arvi at the ruins of the ancient temple of Zeus of Arvi. Later, the monastery was built and moved to its present location.

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Additional Info

Location: Heraklion Prefecture
K2_XTRA_TYPE.37: Monastery
Accessibility: Paved road
Phone: +30 28950 71428
Peak Period: Ottoman Era (1669 - 1898)

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