The Church of St. Anthony was the main church of the former monastery of St. John Farangitis (i.e. Canyoner) that flourished in the period 1350-1669, during the Venetian Era.
The church saves two layers of frescoes. The oldest layer is located in the west corner dates back to the 11th century. The frescoes of the south part of the corss dates back to 1323.
Two km south of the village Modi by Platanias (Chania) we meet is the cavernous chapel of St. Gerasimos. The location of this beautiful cave is accessed via dirt road that starts from Modi (there are information signs). The cave is located on a hillside that is covered by an ancient olive grove.The temple is built inside the cave, is spacious and has a courtyard along a long rock shelter.
The monastery of Agios Georgios in Vrachasi is located 1km southwest of the village Vrachasi, near Neapolis. The monastery has actively participated in the revolutionary movements against the Turks, during which it suffered tremendous damages.
The small monastery of Hypapante (Presentation of Jesus at the Temple) operated at the site of Champatha (Kissamos province), with spectacular views to the surrounding areas. We still see remnants of monk cells and caves where they lived. Above the church, we see the cavernous chapel of Transfiguration of the Christ, accessed only on foot.
The Holy monastery of St. Theodore is located on the road that leads to the University Hospital of Heraklion. The nunnery was founded by Timothy Tzannis in around 1980.
The basilica was excavated in 1948 by K. Kalokyris and N. Platon, and was built in the 5th-6th century, like most seaside basilicas of that era. It was violently destroyed by Arab invasion in the 7th century, but continued to be used till the 9th century.
Among the greenhouses of Fragokastelo plain and above Orthi Ammos beach we meet the abandoned small monastery of Agios Haralambos. It is said that there settled in 1821 the monks Gregory and Magdalene, although it is believed that the monastery is much older.