Very close to the beach Kolokitha we meet the ruins of an early Christian basilica (5-6th century) that came to light in 1971 by the archaeologist Manolis Borboudakis. There is also a tiny lovely beach aside. We see scattered pieces of marble capitals, the pulpit and the gates, and the mosaic floors that have been completely destroyed by the sea.
The monastery of Saint John is located at Cape Rodopou (or Spatha), 37km northwest of Chania and 9.5km away from the village Rodopou, at a small plateau named Giona. With the nearby former monastery of Peter and Paul, a few kilometers north, they flourished during the late Venetian Era. After the conquest of Crete by the Turks both monasteries were handed to the powerful monastery Hodeghetria Gonia.
The Church of the Zoodohos Pigi (Life Giving Fountain) at position Drakonero functioned as a monastery during the Venetian period. It is the largest cruciform church with a dome of Crete (of that era). Inside the church there is one of the nicest arcosolium (Venetian tomb) of the 16th century with coat of arms of Tzangarolo family. A part of the frescoes still survives (Peter and Paul, Our Lady enthroned etc).
In one of the greenest areas of Crete, Amari, at the hilltop of Veni hill you will meet the deserted monastery of Saint Anthony and the homonym cavernous temple celebrating on January 17.
The church of St. George at Finokalis was the temple of a nunnery founded in the 14th century, which seized its operation in the 1980s. Impressive is the slope of the walls of the temple, which would have collapsed by a landslide if not supported. The church bears valuable frescoes of the 14th century.
The current deserted monastery of St Savas is located at a degraded location of Heraklion (next to the industries of cement and fuel at Ellinoperamata). The monastery was founded in the 10th century by Nicephorus Phocas.
The now deserted monastery of St. Onoufrios is built on a steep ravine with vertical cliffs, next to a spring with cool water. Around the cavernous church we see the derelict cells of the monks. The church celebrates on 12 June.
The unknown monastery of St. Anthony at Akrotiri, deserted today, lies near the Monastery Gouverneto, from where a path starts. The monastic complex with the cavernous chapel of St Anthony wasof exquisite architecture, but today endures the abandonment and is left in the hands of the shepherds who use it as a pen!