The Church of the Panagia (Virgin Mary) is located at the center of the village Kyrianna and is dedicated to the Assumption of Mary. The original church (11th century) was a cruciform temple with a dome and looked like the chapel of Saint Paul at Sfakia.
The temple of Saint John Theologian and St Nicholas is built at the entrance of the village of Stylos. This is a complex of three buildings, dating from the 13-15th century and preserving a fragmentary mural decoration of the 13th, 14th and 15th century.
The church of Agia Paraskevi is a dependency of Asomati monastery. It is small cruciform church with a reserved arcosolium (tomb) and only one mural surviving. The frescoes depicts Christ blessing the donors of the temple.
The Monastery of Christ the Savior or fendis Christos served as a Venetian monastery and was well known to all travelers coming to Jiouktas, to see the place where the ancients placed the tomb of Zeus.
At the neighborhood Ligaras of the historic village Kavoussi we meet the impressive Byzantine church of the Holy Apostles . Ligaras gets its name after the hydrophylic plant ligaria as there is a spring (kavousi) that waters the village. Ligaras is the oldest neighborhood of Kavousi, which over the centuries developed around this spring.
The church of St. George at F(a)landra position is located near Phaistos and was the temple of a small monastery. Next to the church are preserved tombs of the Venetian Era (1581).
The church of St. Paul, after which the village Agios Pavlos of province Apokoronas is named, by Gavalohori, dates back from the 16th century. It has been restored and the interior does not preserve murals. Outside the temple, a cemetery has been identified which dates back from the 12th century, implying that there was an older temple here. There is a cross in the interior, bearing the date 1886.
The very old monastery of St. George was built in the 9th century but it was abandoned several centuries later, because of the constant raids of pirates. A Byzantine tower was built next to the building complex. It was built by the monks of the monastery so as to control the sea and pirates.