East Crete beaches

Altsi bay


Altsi bay
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West of Mochlos and east of Malavra springs near Tholos, you’ll see the plaster quarries of the area. The site is called Altsi from the Turkish word alçı, which means gypsum, plaster. This region hosts two small beaches, totally unknown, as it is not accessed due to the quarries. Access to the beaches of Altsi is possible via the road leading to the mills that grind the stones (the paved road signed as a dead end before Mochlos). Despite the intense transformation of the landscape by the mines, the beaches are quite clean and beautiful.

hotels booking Crete

Additional Info

Sea water color: Deep blue
Sand type: Sand
Location: Lassithi Prefecture, East Crete, North Crete, Sitia area, Ierapetra area
Depth: Deep
Sea surface: Usually wavy
Crowds: Quiet
Other Information: Ideal for snorkeling / spearfishing
Accessibility: Dirt track

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