East Crete beaches

Mavros Kavos


Mavros Kavos beach
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Along the peninsula Kavo Sidero (starting from Analoukas), there are several small secluded beaches. One of them is Mavros Kavos (or Hohlakia) which is accessed by dirt road. It is generally wavy and you will almost be alone. Another small bay called Magatzedes is formed a bit lower, also accessed by car. Continuing to the west, at the position of the former fish tanks (operated till 2016), there is the nice bay of Atzikiari, accessed through dirt road. Last, on the base of Cape Aspro Mouri is formed the small and isolated cove of Aspro Avlaki, totally secluded as there are no roads around. 

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Additional Info

Sea water color: Blue
Sand type: Sand
Location: Lassithi Prefecture, East Crete, Sitia area
Depth: Shallow
Sea surface: Usually calm
Crowds: Normal
Facilities: Accommodation options nearby, Food / water nearby
Other Information: Nudism friendly, Tree Shade
Accessibility: Bus services, Paved road

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