Springs of Sitia


Gineka Spring
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At the wider region of the coastal zone below Toplou monastery, the nature hides some treasures almost totally unknown. Starting from Agios Andreas of Sitia Province and moving eastwards to Cape Mavro, you will be surprised by the nature. This area, untouched by modern interventions still retains many of the elements that make Crete an endless open nature museum.

The colorful rocks with many caves are truly impressive all the way and you will even find several unknown small beaches, steep cliffs, small gorges and rare plants. What you would not expect to see in this very area where rains are scarce is water springs. And this is the most striking surprise that this area hides, the fact that in many places we meet water springs all year round, forming some small but very important wetlands. One of these springs is the source of Gineka (Woman). The spring is located of the ravine Aspro Avlaki and the beach of Cape Aspro. The area is accessed through dirt road that starts from the road that connects Toplou with Analoukas.

The spring of Gineka is a source of life for all the goats in the region and is an important point for the reproduction of frogs. Next to the spring there are ruins of an old building and some ancient terraces which served to hold the ground the area for cultivation of grain. The rocks in the area are very beautiful and are characterized by colourfulness. The geological grandeur of the area is best observed if you follow the ancient seaside path towards the east leading to the next bay. The end of the stream of Gineka in the sea forms a small rocky cove. The really important habitat of Gineka is the westernmost boundary of the endemic plant Asperula crassula, one of the rarest plants in Crete which is threatened with extinction.

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