East Crete beaches



Tihida beach
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If you walk 1 hour east of Vlyhada beach at Livari near Goudouras, you will soon reach the two deserted beaches of Tihida. The area is full of caves and takes its name after the wall-like rocks (tihos in Greek means wall) at the small beach, offering shade during summer. A few meters on the east from the small beach, you will meet the long beach of Tihida, formed at the exit of Tihida Gorge, not very easily accessible. Lastly, some more meters on the east, you will find the imposing oblong rock of Karavopetra in the sea.

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Additional Info

Sea water color: Blue
Sand type: Pebbles
Location: Lassithi Prefecture, East Crete, South Crete, Sitia area
Depth: Deep
Sea surface: Usually calm
Crowds: Quiet
Other Information: Nudism friendly, Ideal for snorkeling / spearfishing, Rock shade
Accessibility: Boat, Walking

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