Hiking in Crete



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Katsounaki Gorge
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.60 (10 Votes)

Gorge Katsounaki is located in the dry Eastern Crete, east of Xirokambos settlement. It actually consists of three parallel gorges merging before reaching the beach. The gorges transfer water from the east part of Sitia mountains

The river passing through the gorge leads to the beach of Potamos, next to the beautiful sand beach of Alona. Hiking in the canyon is easy and the landscape with tall walls is very wild. You can also walk upside down from Alona.

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Additional Info

Type: Hiking gorge
Location: Lassithi Prefecture
Water: Generally dry
Difficulty (0-10): 2
Accessibility: Dirt track

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