The mills of Fourni


Galaropetra windmills at Fourni
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.50 (2 Votes)

North of Fourni village, Merambelo district, we still meet one of the most impressive windmill park of Crete. There are still standing 13 windmills in a row at location Galaropetra. Others survive in good condition and others have collapsed. Fourni mills are of two types: the completely circular, turning to all winds, called Xetrocharis and the more usual that turns only in a certain wind, called Axetrocharis (this has rectangular shape).

In Fourni you will meet 12 Axetrocharis and only one Xetrocharis. Despite that, Axetrocharis were rarer because of their higher cost. These mills were used for grinding grain.

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