Windmills in Crete


Mohos windmills
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Windmills characteristic of eastern Crete (Lassithi) where rivers are absent. In Western Crete, where there are more springs and rivers, watermills were developed. The mills were built into mountainsides and in places exposed to the winds.

North of Mohos, by Stalis, we still meet one interesting windmill park of Crete. There are still standing 5 windmills in a row. Mohos mills are of two types: the completely circular, turning to all winds, called Xetrocharis, and the more usual that turns only in a certain wind called Axetrocharis (this has a rectangular shape).

At Mohos, you will meet 3 Axetrocharis and 2 Xetrocharis. Despite that, Axetrocharis were rarer because of their higher cost. These mills were used for grinding grain.

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