Paranimfi - Agios Pavlos - Tris Ekklisies


Trail Paranimfi - Tris Ekklisies
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Asterousia Range is characterized by the wildness and the eerie landscapes causing awe to anyone attempting to explore it. A trail that offers countless emotions is the ancient path that connects the village Paranimfi to Tris Ekklisies and runs on the edge of the cliff.

Our course starts from Paranimfi (altitude 510 m) and via a dirt road we reach the very old monastery of Saint Paul (alt. 460 m), where there is a water spring. Afterwards, we descend a path through a wild gorge with spectacular views of the South Cretan Sea. Once we get close to sea level, we cross the largest carob wood of Crete and then end at the seaside village of Tris Ekklisies (Three Churches).

At the beginning of our course, it is worth taking a detour and visit the impressive waterfall of Ambas reached by dirt road from Paranimfi (gets dry in summer).

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Additional Info

Length (km): 7
Type: Hiking gorge, Signed trail
Location: Heraklion Prefecture
Difficulty (0-10): 2
Altitude difference (m): 550
Hiking Hours: 2:0
Accessibility: Dirt track

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