Thrypti - Orino - Chrissopigi - Dafni


Trail Thrypti - Orino - Chrissopigi - Dafni
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.50 (2 Votes)

This E4 part starts from the village Thrypti and heads southeastwards and through dirt roads finishes at Dafni village. The route is very easy, thus being ideal for cycling. The trail comes through the lush green village Orino, the starting point of Orino Gorge. The route continues to the east and crosses the village Hrissopigi, before ending at Dafni.

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Additional Info

Length (km): 18
Type: E4 trail
Location: Lassithi Prefecture
Difficulty (0-10): 1
Hiking Hours: 5:30
Accessibility: Paved road, Dirt track, Walking

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