West Crete beaches

Kokina Grema


Kokina Grema Beach
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The secluded beach of Kokkina Grema (i.e. Red Cliffs) is located 55km west of Chania, 28km southwest of Kissamos and 3km west of Platanos village. The beach is named after the reddish grounds of the peninsula at its north end.

It is located at the exit of a small gorge, starting from Platanos village, shaping the bay of Lygia. Kokkina Grema is a rough beach, with pebbles, ideal for camping and staying remote, surely not suitable for families with children. There are absolutely no facilities nearby and no shade, so bring an umbrella with you.

Access to Kokkina Grema is not easy, because the dirt track that leads there from Platanos is generally in poor condition. You have to drive till you meet the picturesque chapel of Panagia on the beach.

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Additional Info

Sea water color: Blue
Sand type: Pebbles, Rocks in places
Location: Chania Prefecture, West Crete, Kissamos Area
Depth: Normal
Sea surface: Usually wavy
Crowds: Quiet
Other Information: Ideal for snorkeling / spearfishing, Tree Shade
Accessibility: Dirt track

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