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Pahia Ammos beach (Afratias)

The beach of Pachia Ammos in the position Afrathias (or Afratias) is formed between the airport of Tymbaki and the seaside settlement Kalamaki. Although it is actually the longest beach in Mesara, it is also the less busy.

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Church of Panagia Panokastriani in Kastri

The church of Panagia Panokastriani is located above Kastri, province Mylopotamos, where the ruined fortress of Pano Kasteli was built. Kastri was the seat and base of the strongest Christian family during the Venetian occupation, Kallergis, whose coats of arms are located in the arch of the sanctuary.

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Panagia church at Kastamonitsa

The church of the Panagia (Virgin Mary) in Kastamonitsa is located inside the cemetery of the village and is dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin (feast 15 August). The folklorist Georgios Stamatakis considers that it was probably a Catholic monastery, since it is not recorded in any census of temples during the Venetian Era (the monasteries were not listed).

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Varkotopos beach at Bali

In front of the village center, there is the enclosed bay of Varkotopos with a beautiful beach with sand and gravel in front, which is very well organized and busy. It is ideal for young children.

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Early Christian Basilica at Ini

The Early Christian Basilica of Ini is located among olive groves on the site Ellinika, southeast of Kefala hill. It is a three-aisled basilica dating back to the 6th century and because of its large size (32m x 18m) it is believed to have been the seat of the Diocese of Arcadia./p>

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Παραλία Βαρκότοπος στο Μπαλί

Είναι ιδανικό για ήρεμες διακοπές, για οικογένειες και ερωτευμένα ζευγάρια. Το Μπαλί έχει τέσσερις κόλπους, στους οποίους σχηματίζονται πανέμορφες παραλίες με άμμο και πράσινα νερά. Οι παραλίες είναι σχεδόν πάντα ήρεμες, καθώς ο προσανατολισμός τους είναι δυτικός.

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Ναός Παναγίας στο Ντιμπλοχώρι

Στο έρημο χωριό Διμπλοχώρι σώζονται τρεις ναοί: ο ερειπωμένος ασκεπής ναός του Αγίου Ιωάννη πολύ κοντά στο καβούσι (πηγή), ο παλιός ναός του Αγίου Γεωργίου λίγο πριν φτάσουμε στον οικισμό και ο εντυπωσιακός κατάγραφος ναός της Παναγίας.

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