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Φαράγγι Καλαμπούκι

Τεχνικό φαράγγι στην περιοχή της Ζούρβας που καταλήγει στον κεντρικό δρόμο της περιοχής (υψόμετρο 600 μέτρα), όπου και σχηματίζει καταρράκτη. Ξεκινάει από το μικρό οροπέδιο Βούλισμα (υψόμετρο 940 μέτρα) κι έχει 14 καταβάσεις, η μεγαλύτερη των οποίων 48 μέτρα.

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Saint Paraskevi church at Aitania

A few meters north of Aitania village starts an impressively steep downhill dirt road leading to the church of Agia Paraskevi. Agia Paraskevi is located in a valley of incredible beauty filled with ancient tall cypress trees that dominate throughout the region. Just below the small chapel, before water drilling changed the underwater water level, there was a sping called Lazarakis which has now dried up. The church of Agia Paraskevi, despite its small size has an impressive history.

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Lefkohori wood

On the hill above the village Lefkochori (Voutoufou) at Heraklion we meet the wood of Lefkochori. it covers an area of 72 acres and is a green oasis in the center of Heraklion prefecture. The artificial wood mainly consists of pines and cypress trees. The place can be reached through the road that starts from the village.

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Panagia church at Archontiko

The cemeterial temple of the village Arhontiko at province Monofatsi is dedicated to the Assumption of Virgin Mary. While the exterior does not look interesting, the interior impresses the visitor with the Byzantine frescoes in relatively good condition.

According to an inscription, the frescoes date back from 1352 and were painted by Theodosios Galinos.

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Монастырь Св. Георгия, Менис

Очень старый монастырь Св. Георгия был построен в IX веке, и покинут несколькими столетиями спустя из-за постоянных пиратских рейдов. Византийская башня была построена рядом с монастырским комплексом.

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Менонитская гробница Аподулу

Самая главная из нескольких гробниц, найденных в окрестностях Аподулу находится в точке Сопотакия и имеет проход длиной 7 метров и 3,10-метровую палату. В гробницы также были найдены три урны (1380-1200 до н.э.).

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Lord Christ Church at Eleftherna

The double church of the Transfiguration of Christ and Saint Anne is located in the cemetery of the village Ancient Eleftherna. The original church of the 10th century bears frescoes of the 12th century, has a dome and was built on the ruins of an older temple of the 6th century.

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