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Church of Saint Catherine in Fortezza

The small church of Saint Catherine (Agia Ekaterini) is a modern church located in the fort of Fortezza in Rethymnon. It was built in the 19th century with materials from the fortress very close to the site of the Ibrahim Khan Mosque. The belfry was added in 1985.

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Folklore Museum of Neapolis

The Folklore and Historical Museum of Neapolis is housed since 2016 in the building of the First Gymnasium of Neapolis and is managed by the Cultural Folklore Society of Ano Mirabello. Its exhibition is composed of relics of the cultural tradition from the province of Mirabello that depict the everyday life after the 19th century.

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Stravomytis Cave

Cave Stratomytis or Lykastos Cave is located north of the settlement Karnari, just at the point where the solid limestone of Yiuhtas Mount meets the soil grounds of the region. It is very easily accessible via a short path and its location is easy found, as its numerous entrances can be seen from afar. The cave actually consists of a complex network of galleries, which exceed the length of 400 meters.

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Απάνω Καστέλι στο Καστρί Μυλοποτάμου (Απανωκάστρι)

Το Πανωκάστρι ή Πάνω Καστέλι βρίσκεται σε βραχώδη ισχυρή θέση πάνω από το χωριό Καστρί Μυλοποτάμου. Το Καστρί ανήκε στην οικογένεια των αρχοντορωμαίων Καλλέργηδων από το 1341. Οι Καλλέργηδες έλαβαν μέρος στην αποστασία του Αγίου Τίτου (1363-1366)

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Ναός Αφέντη Χριστού στην Κριτσά

Ο δίκλιτος ναός του Αφέντη Χριστού στην Κριτσά έδινε κατά την Ενετοκρατία το όνομα Χριστός στη γειτονιά αυτή, που τότε θεωρούνταν ξεχωριστός οικισμός, και αποτελούσε το νεκροταφείο του. Εδώ ήταν παπάς ο πατέρας της θρυλικής Κριτσωτοπούλας που πολέμησε εναντίον των Τούρκων ντυμμένη ως άνδρας στο πλευρό του Καπετάν Καζάνη και πιστεύεται ότι εδώ τάφηκε κι αυτή.

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Lord Christ church at Smari

Very close to the former monastery of Prophet Elias and just below the ancient citadel of Smari, still survives the simple single-nave church dedicated to the Transfiguration of Christ the Saviour. The interior bears frescoes dating back from the 14th century. Among the frescoes we still discern scenes from the twelve major Christian feasts of the year, various saints, officiating prelates and Supplication.

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Omalos Plateau Pond

On the southern side of the Omalos Plateau in the White Mountains and between the starting point of the Samaria Gorge and Seliniotikos Giros, a seasonal lake of about 0.8 hectares is formed, which is covered by snow in winter. More small lakes are formed on the plateau in winter, with this one being the largest.

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