The cave Arkalospilios is located about 25 km west of Heraklion, near village Marathos, at an altitude of 545m, and close to the quarry of Arkalokefalo. The entrance (2.10m x 1m) is not easily visible because of dense vegetation, while the total length of the runways is almost 150m.
During the access, you will meet two draft gates for keeping goats in the fenced area, so close them carefully. Shortly before the quarry you will meet a locked bar (the entrance to the quarry) and that is where you can park your car. Then walk towards south - southwest direction about 15-20 minutes to the cave.
The cave has 4 large and 2 smaller rooms with nice cave decor. In winter the drop flow is quite high, creating ponds and muddy slippery floor. Find a comfortable position, turn your lights off and enjoy the sound of dripping water. Due to the orientation of the entrance, the temperature remains quite high and in summer the cave dries up and the stalagmites get dehydrated.
Inside the cave potsherds of the Roman, Byzantine and Medieval times have been revealed. During the Ottoman domination, it served as a refuge for the Christians. Deep in the cave we will also meet shells of snails, probably carried there by rodents or snakes.
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Additional Info
- Location: Heraklion Prefecture
- Type: Horizontal Cave
- Length (m): 130