The gorge of Mindris starts near the village Filippi and ends at the port of Tsoutsouras, after running a distance of 6km. It is a open canyon without vertical walls, which’s riverbed is dry in summer and very easy to walk. On the riverside traces of ancient settlements, ranging from the Minoan to Roman Era have been found.
Hiking could also start from the road connecting Kasteliana and Tsoutsouras. The track comes through the riverbed of Myndris rover, where the main trees are carobs. At the middle of the canyon, at Perdikoneri, there is a spring with potable water.
Inside the canyon and near Tsoutsouras, archaeologists have identified traces of the ancient town Inatos (Roman Baths and a trail) and some other buildings dating back to the Minoan era.
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Additional Info
- Length (km): 7
- Type: Hiking gorge
- Location: Heraklion Prefecture
- Water: Generally dry
- Difficulty (0-10): 2
- Altitude difference (m): 200
- Hiking Hours: 4
- Accessibility: Paved road