Fall of Rihtra


Rihtra Fall at Kato Kastelliana
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Very few villages in Crete are fortunate to have a waterfall in their area. One of these is Kato Kastelliana south of Heraklion on the foot of Asterousia Range. At the south entrance of Kato Kastelliana we meet Richtra, a beautiful waterfall that is the pride of the place. Richtra in the idiom of Asterousia means waterfall and it is an impressive 8-9m high waterfall with almost triangular shape. Just below the Richtra start the first houses of the village and a further we meet a small square with a very beautiful stone fountain built in 1912.

Over the picturesque waterfall gorge we meet a small valley that ascends to Asterousia that feeds the waterfall with water. In recent years on the hillside above the waterfall, the villagers built a very picturesque and manicured stone church dedicated to Saint Spyridon.

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Additional Info

Location: Heraklion Prefecture
Water: Water till spring
Maximum Rapel Height (m): 8

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