Just a few kilometers to the west of Tsoutsouras gorge in the east Asterousia range, the very narrow and smaller gorge of Troulla is formed. Being shorter than the Tsoutsouros canyon, it has attracted the attention of the canyoners and is very impressive with more than 15 beautiful waterfalls along its bed, the highest being 15m high. Because it is next to the Canyon of Tsoutsouras is is geologically similar and the first team that crossed it, jokingly named it Tsoutsouraki, i.e. small Tsoutsouras.
Its entrance is just west of an impressive rock called Troulla near Tsoutsouras at the position Meli Lakos (Honey’s Pit) and it’s exit at the area Staoussa next to the village. Its descent is possible only with technical equipment for canyoning, and especially during the winter months when its waterfalls have a lot of water.
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Additional Info
- Length (km): 0.7
- Type: Canyoneering equipment needed
- Location: Heraklion Prefecture
- Water: Water till spring
- Difficulty (0-10): 6
- Altitude difference (m): 100
- Hiking Hours: 2
- Accessibility: Walking
- Maximum Rapel Height (m): 15