Religious Monuments of Crete


The province Monofatsi is one of the most important religious centers of Crete, as it hosted many flourishing monasteries and hermitages. Apart from the isolated religious centre of Asterousia Mountains, which we study separately, small monasteries were also scattered throughout the province.

Panagia Church at Houmeri

The church of Panagia in Choumeri, province Monofatsi is dedicated to Panagia (Virgin Mary) and has been restored. During restoration works, part of the 15th-century frescoes was destroeyd. Specifically, the original single-nave church was extended to the west by the addition of an aisle to the south.


Early Christian Basilica at Ini

The Early Christian Basilica of Ini is located among olive groves on the site Ellinika, southeast of Kefala hill. It is a three-aisled basilica dating back to the 6th century and because of its large size (32m x 18m) it is believed to have been the seat of the Diocese of Arcadia./p>


Kato Panagia church at Kastellos (Kastelliana)

The temple ofPresentation of Mary or Kato Panagia is located near the southern part of the castle and is a small single-nave church built in two phases. The oldest, probably of the first half of the 14th century, belongs to its eastern part, and preserves little traces of frescoes of this period.


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