Mirabelo beaches

Agios Dionysios


Agios Dionysios beaches
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The easternmost beach you come across a dirt road starting from Agios Antonios and heading 1km to the east, to Cape Kenti and close to the wind turbines of Aforesmenos Cape, is called Avlaki. Adjacent to Avlaki, there is the pebbled beach of Xepapadia, which is the only beach around the Mirabello that has purely east orientation and is not usually wavy. Next to Xepapadia there is the scenic chapel of St. Dionysios.

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Additional Info

Sea water color: Blue
Sand type: Pebbles
Location: Lassithi Prefecture, East Crete, North Crete, Agios Nikolaos area (Mirabelo)
Depth: Deep
Sea surface: Usually wavy
Crowds: Quiet
Other Information: Nudism friendly, Ideal for snorkeling / spearfishing
Accessibility: Dirt track

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