West Crete beaches



Anydri beaches (Gialiskari)
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The secluded beaches by village Anydri, also known as Gialiskari or Dialiskari, are surely some of the most beautiful beaches of West Crete. Gialiskari is located 4km east of Paleochora and 80km South of Chania city. The beaches are the easternmost part of the coastline of Paleochora, having an overall length of 18km. 

Gianiskari is actually a cluster of adjacent peaceful beaches at the exit of Anidri Gorge. Two of them are shaped on the two sides of a short peninsula. They have small pebbles and deep cool waters, while umbrellas are provided. A few meters further (on the east), there is the beach called Ammoudia (sandy beach). These beaches are located at the exit of the gorge that starts from the nearby village of Anydri.

Gialiskari is nudism friendly, like most beaches of Paleochora. In order to get to Gialiskari from Paleochora, follow the dirt track leading to the east. After the camping, follow the road along the beach till you meet the peninsula. There is also a sign to “Gialiskari”. If you don’t have a car, you can walk the 4km to the beach, but is usually very hot.

Gialiskari beach was very popular with the hippies of Paleochora in the 1970s. They used to walk from Paleohora with supplies of water and food and stay on the beach for a few days at a time swimming , playing music and generally having a good time. Anydri beach can also be reached by walking down the beautiful gorge from Anydri Village.

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Additional Info

Sea water color: Blue
Sand type: Pebbles
Location: Chania Prefecture, West Crete, South Crete, Paleochora area (Selino)
Depth: Normal
Sea surface: Usually calm
Crowds: Quiet
Facilities: Food / water nearby, Umbrellas / beds, Showers
Other Information: Ideal for snorkeling / spearfishing, Tree Shade
Accessibility: Dirt track

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