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Greek Mythology Thematic Park at Psychro

The Greek Mythology Thematic Park is located in Psychro, province Lassithi, at the point where the visitors of the Diktaean Cave start ascending. The venue hosts more than 50 impressive exhibits - sculptures of modern aesthetics in 3000 square meters, which focus on Greek Mythology.

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Agios Nikolaos church at Chrissi island

The church of Agios Nikolaos is located on the northern side of the island Chrissi, at the site where Tyrian purple was produced and graves are located. It dates back to the 13th century, although it has undergone more recent interventions. The temple is built on the site of an ancient building.

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Rizopetro Gorge

On the southeast side of Mount Sanida, near the village Skourvoula, a small but very wild gorge is formed called Rizopetro. The gorge ends near Faneromeni dam after a very impressive 60m high waterfall, having water only after heavy rainfalls.

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Saint Kiriaki Church at Labiriana

Very well hidden at a dense grove with oak trees and ancient olive trees is the cemetery church of Agia Kyriaki at Labiriana, Selino district. The very small settlement is just 2km away from Kandanos. Agia Kyriaki feast takes place on July 7, and is dated to 14th century or maybe later.

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Μονή Μεταμορφώσεως του Σωτήρα στο Νήσπιτα

Η Μονή της Μεταμορφώσεως του Σωτήρα ή του Αφέντη Χριστού βρίσκεται στην περιοχή Μετόχι του Νήσπιτα, λίγα χιλιόμετρα νοτιοδυτικά της Νεάπολης. Η μονή έχει εγκαταλειφθεί από την Τουρκοκρατία και μόνο το καθολικό του ναού διασώζεται ως σήμερα. Τριγύρω υπάρχουν μερικά ερείπια από το παλιό μοναστηριακό συγκρότημα.

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Σπήλαιο Φανερωμένης στο Αβδού

Το Σπήλαιο της Φανερωμένης βρίσκεται σε υψόμετρο περίπου 770μ πάνω από το χωριό Αβδού της επαρχίας Πεδιάδος, σε απόκρημνη τοποθεσία με αρκετά δύσκολη πρόσβαση. Το σπήλαιο έχει μήκος περίπου 45μ και ύψος που φτάνει τα 9μ, ενώ το πλάτος του κυμαίνεται από 4 έως 12 μέτρα.

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Syngelos Tower at Kaloniktis

Between the villages of Ano Varsamonero, Kaloniktis, Ano Malaki and Kato Malaki, at an area full of oaks and ancient olive trees, still stands the ruined Venetian Mansion of Syngelos. Apparently this building was used for controlling and overlooking the region by its owner during the Venetian period or later.

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Mavrakis House

An excellent example of the late Neoclassicism is the building known as «Mavraki House», property of the «Alpha Bank». It was probably erected in the second decade of the 20th century in the neighbourhood Retzep Agha no. 167 street, which a little later was called Sfakion street. The first owner Zaharias Ieronymakis bequested it in 1921 to his son Heraklis Ieronymakis who sold it to Emmanouil Pantelakis.

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