Η μονή της Αγίας Παρασκευής βρίσκεται έξω από το χωριό Φουρνή και σήμερα έχει εγκαταλειφθεί. Ο μικρός ναός είναι μονόχωρος και η ίδρυση της μονής τοποθετείται πριν το 1615. Δίπλα υπάρχουν ελάχιστα ερείπια από τα κτίρια του μοναστηριού.
The temple of St. John the Theologian is a single-room vaulted temple with dimensions of 11,20 x 4,46 meters. There are no documents for justifying its exact date, however according to the analysis of its murals it should be built around the first half of the 14th century attributed to the hagiographer Ioannis Pagomenos.
The church of Saint Anthony is a single- vaulted temple with a simple semicircular arch. Around the church and in all directions you will see the abandoned monastic complex.
In the middle of the settlement of Loutro we meet the beautiful and spacious temple of Panagia, dedicated to Zoodochos Pigi (Life Giving Spring) celebrating five days after Easter. The courtyard has a large Cretan date palm tree and a well with water.
The current small church of Panagia (Virgin Mary0 at Ayia is built on the side of the great basilica of the 5th century, which was the seat of the Diocese of Cydonia and Vamos. The temple was reconstructed in 10th-11th century, after a disaster probably suffered by the Arabs, and today the roof has collapsed. The aisles are separated by pillars and a semicircular arch was built for the middle aisle end.
At this point there is a rough unknown windmill group that consisted of 10 mills and operated until May 1867. In these mills, local chieftains had gathered their wounded men during the titanic ten-day battle of Lassithi.
The church of St. George near the ruins of the Roman baths at Nopigia is a single-aisled vaulted church of the 9th century built probably on the ruins of a Roman temple. The orientation of the Church is from north to south, rare for Christian churches (they are usually built with orientation from east to west). The church bears frescoes of the 14th-15th century.