In today's Zografou Street existed until the early 20th century, the house of Chanialis. The house exterior hosted an elaborate fountain, which was moved to its current location, at the exit of St. George's gate.
Κάθε χρόνο στις 8 Μαΐου, μέρα του Άι Γιάννη του Θεολόγου, πλήθη πιστών από όλη την Κρήτη προστρέχουν στο μικρό χωριό Μαρμακέτω στο Οροπέδιο Λασιθίου για να παρακολουθήσουν ένα θαύμα να πραγματοποιείται μπροστά στα μάτια τους.
Ο ναός του Σωτήρος του 14ου αιώνα βρίσκεται κοντά στις Ποταμιές. Είναι μονόχωρος καμαροσκεπής ναός με δίρριχτη στέγη και το θύρωμα στη δυτική πλευρά του ναού. Παρουσιάζει απλό αρχιτεκτονικό τύπο με ελαφρά οξυκόρυφα επιμέρους τμήματα στο εξωτερικό.
Near Kamara village in Kisamos Province, there is one well hidden treasure of Cretan countryside. It is the cavernous chapel of Agia Paraskevi, which is what remains of a small nunnery that was destroyed during the Turkish Era. There is a very big schinus, which is one of the oldest in Crete (there is one more in Chochlakies Gorge by Sitia).
The Church of the Annunciation (Panagia) at Kassani, Pediada, is a small, single-nave and vaulted temple. It's interior bears frescoes of the Palaeologean School of the 14th century.
The church of Agia Marina (celebr. July 17) by Agii Deka is a single-nave vaulted temple daing back from the 9th century (today it has been restored). The church bears traces of frescoes.
One of the many old churches that adorn the village of Kandanos is St Catherine celebrating on November 25. It is a very old church. For years he was semi-ruined and without ceiling, therefore the frescoes got severely damaged. In recent years the Mayor of Kandanos restored the temple and its courtyard. The floor of the church is about one meter below the road level and this has resulted in serious problems with floods. Externally there is no plaster.