Explore Underground Crete


Mavro Skiadi pothole
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The Mavro Skiadi cave abyss is one of the most famous precipices in Crete, mainly because it has the highest known descent in Greece and one of the highest in the world. It is located in position Atzinolakkos at an altitude of 1600 meters in the heart of the White Mountains and has a scary entrance. Nearby there are the largest caves in Greece.

It is actually a well that descends to -342 meters. At 150 meters from its entrance, a waterfall emerges that falls into chaos to the bottom of the abyss, where it forms a small lake. This lake is also the reason why the mapping of the whole sinkhole has not been completed yet, which probably has even greater depth.

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Additional Info

Location: Chania Prefecture
Type: Sinkhole
Length (m): -342
Accessibility: Walking

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