In the Alpine Desert


Roussies Plateau
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On the path that heads from the Amoutsera to the plateau of Katsiveli and peak Pachnes we meet the Rusies. This is a small plateau at an altitude of 2000 meters in the heart of the White Mountains and in the past years it was very important point for the people of the mountain, the Sfakians shepherds. The main reason for this was the cistern that gathered water and the small stone-built accommodation that served as a refuge in emergency times. The Plateau of Russies is located exactly between the peaks of Bournelos and Sternes.

The name means red and is taken after the reddish color of the limestone soil of the area, in contrast to the surrounding areas to the south dominated by the gray and black colors. During almost half of the year, the plateau is covered by snow. Just before the winter snow and after the first autumn rains we meet the flower Colchicum Cretense, which is found at high altitudes in the mountains of Crete.

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