Peak Sternes at Lefka Ori


Sternes peak
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In the central point of the massif of White Mountains we meet the peak Sternes with a maximum altitude of 2335 meters. This is the eighth highest peak of the White Mountains. The importance of Sternes is that it is located right in the center of the range, between a sea of peaks and thus from the top you can enjoy almost all the major peaks of the White Mountains. One can see the peak of Pachnes to the west (the highest peak of all), Svourichti, Kakovoli, Troharis and Thodoris, Bournelo, Kastro and the adjacent Fanari, Gres Soros, Askyfiotikos Soros, Modaki, Mesa Soros, Agio Pnevma and many more smaller peaks. At the far east one can discern Psiloritis and the mountains of South Rethymnon. Sternes also offers an amazing view across the mountainous desert of Sfakia, a unique landscape throughout the northern hemisphere of our planet. We can see the stunning area that starts after Agathopes and Ammoutsera with the terrifying and filled with potholes Mavri Laki and Pavlia Halara.

To reach Sternes, we have to drive with a 4x4 car about 20 kilometers from Anopolis in the rugged dirt road to Madara. At the point where the road ends we follow the trail to Pachnes. The path, after the end of the road, runs through the southern slope of Sternes, through the area Mavra Gremna till the area of Roussies at 2000 meters. At Russies there is cistern for collecting rainwater and a small stone building that can be used as a refuge in bad weather. In Roussies the trail forks to two paths: the left runs to Pachnes and the right to go to the plateau of Katsiveli and Livada. From Roussies we start climbing up the rugged limestone gravel slope to reach the peak of Sternes. From the west side of the mountain is easier and we need less than an hour to reach the top.

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