The land of Calypso


Potamos gorge in Gavdos
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Potamos beach in northwestern Gavdos is formed at the outlet of various small streams. Their soils are mainly clay, which makes them create special formations as they are dissolved by rain and wind. Some of the formed streams pass through harder rocks, creating deep canyons with waterfalls of amazing beauty, which, however, can be seen by someone with water even in winter relatively rarely.

At the beginning of the main canyon, which ends roughly in the center of the beach, the rocks on the sides spill water all year round, which the locals collect it in large containers. The canyon at this point has water in its bed, which is a small oasis for the animals that quench their thirst there. From where we see these first springs, we can walk through the eerie landscape with the incredible clay formations.

As we enter the central canyon, the side walls narrow and the slopes become more imposing. Along the way, we observe dozens of fossilized shells dug out of the clay soils by the winter rains. We pass under dry waterfalls and after a while, we end up at the most beautiful waterfall, which ends our course in the canyon (without climbing equipment).

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Additional Info

Length (km): 1
Location: Chania Prefecture
Water: Generally dry
Accessibility: Walking

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