The Religious monuments of Crete


Church of Saint Demetrius in Pigi
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The church of Agios Dimitrios is located in the village of Agios Dimitrios, very close to Pigi, Rethymnon. It is a cross-shaped temple with dome and projecting parts to the sides. The exterior walls are framed by blind arches and a few small windows, while the dome is supported by 4 corinthian columns. The architecture of the church is reminiscent of Saint John Xenos in Alikianos.

The temple was frescoed, but today there are few traces of its mural decoration. From the figure of Saint Tryphon at the conch of the southern part, the frescoes date back to the early 11th century. The dating of the church according to its architectural features is also estimated at the same period.

hotels booking Crete

Additional Info

Location: Rethymnon Prefecture
Type: Church
Accessibility: Paved road

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