European Long Distance



Immerse yourself in a natural wonderland

Hiking Crete is the best way to see
beautiful landscapes and explore vast wilderness areas.
So grab a pack and put on your walking boots.


Hiking Gorges



The E4 Trail



The Great Walks


The E4 European Long Distance Path encompasses a large network of trails with special cultural, natural and historical value. It is marked by the European Ramblers Association and crosses the island from Kissamos to Zakros, after crossing all major Mountain Ranges in Crete (White Mountains, Kedros, Ida Range, Dikti and Thripti). Hikers have the opportunity to explore a wide range of landscapes of great diversity. Apart from the E4, there are plenty of options for majestic mapped routes.

The colors of the E4 trail signing are yellow and black 

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Trail Asites - Venerato - Profitis Ilias

This part of the E4 trail is quite easy and offers some nice views to the fertile valleys and vineyards of Heraklion prefecture. The route starts from Ano Asites and firstly meets the cavernous church of Saint Anthony and finishes at Prifitis Ilias. Note that there are long parts along roads, thus you could split the route into smaller parts and overcome some with a car or bike.

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