European Long Distance



Immerse yourself in a natural wonderland

Hiking Crete is the best way to see
beautiful landscapes and explore vast wilderness areas.
So grab a pack and put on your walking boots.


Hiking Gorges



The E4 Trail



The Great Walks


The E4 European Long Distance Path encompasses a large network of trails with special cultural, natural and historical value. It is marked by the European Ramblers Association and crosses the island from Kissamos to Zakros, after crossing all major Mountain Ranges in Crete (White Mountains, Kedros, Ida Range, Dikti and Thripti). Hikers have the opportunity to explore a wide range of landscapes of great diversity. Apart from the E4, there are plenty of options for majestic mapped routes.

The colors of the E4 trail signing are yellow and black 

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.00 (4 Votes)
Trail Kallikratis - Asi Gonia - Argyroupolis

This section of the E4 European path is the last running on the east White Mountains and is entirely on a paved road. The road connecting Kallikratis village to Asi Gonia then heads to Argiroupolis. The views of the surrounding mountains and valleys and the lush green area of Argiroupolis Springs are the highlights of this route. As the path runs along a paved road, it is suggested that you visit it by car.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.40 (5 Votes)
Trail Kato Zakros - Pelekita Cave - Karoumes

This part of the E4 path offers nice seascapes and is not too hard. From the organized beach of Kato Zakros, the course runs northwards, alongside the rocky coast. It comes by the Cave of Pelekita and the ancient quarry of Pelekita, from where Zakros Palace material was extracted, and finally reaches the beautiful beach of Karoumes, at the exit of Chohlakies gorge.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 2.73 (11 Votes)
Trail Omalos - Agia Irini

Some of those who cross the gorge of Agia Irini, start their course from the plateau Omalos and reach the village of Agia Irini, before entering the canyon via the E4 trail. The trail has amazing views to the groves with the full of the typical cypress trees of the White mountains.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.22 (9 Votes)
Trail Arkadi - Eleftherna - Margarites

This part of the E4 trail starts from the historical monastery of Arkadi, heads to antiquities of the ancient town Eleftherna and then concludes at the village Margarites. The highlights of the route include the monastery of Arkadi, the ancient necropolis and the Roman cisterns in Eleftherna and the traditional houses of Margarites.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.00 (2 Votes)
Trail Gerakari - Fourfouras - Toumbotos Prinos

From Gerakari the European E4 trail continues for Elenes and then to Amari. Then it comes through the villages Opsigias, Petrohori, Vizari and Fourfouras. From there it ascends to Psiloritis Mount, via road (up to 760m. altitude) and trail, to reach the mountain shelter of Toumbotos Prinos. The route runs through a wooded and rough landscape, with mainly oak trees.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.67 (3 Votes)
Trail Askyfou - Asfendou- Kallikratis

This part of the E4 European path runs along the main paved road connecting Askyfou with Asfendou and Kallikratis villages. The road crosses the scenic and wild east part of the White Mountains and has amazing views to their core to the west. It is suggested that you visit the path with a car.

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